To Edit a Gantt chart
To Install TwiddleBitPlan for Windows To Print a scrollable pdf

Easiest ways to edit a chart using Plan for Windows

To change the project start date
Plan > Calculation/Storage > Calculation > Calculate plan from a start of end date
    > Select "Start"
    > Enter the required "Start/end:" date
    > [OK]
To add a task to the end of the task list
Select the blank line at the end of the task list, click in its "Description" field, and enter the required task description
To insert a task
Right click the task below the required task. Select "Insert Task", enter the required description, and click [OK]
To duplicate a task
Select the task to be duplicated and key Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V
To select a task
Click the task line (anywhere other than the task bar itself)
To select the previous task
Up arrow
To select the next task
Down arrow
To select the first task
To select the last task
To change task duration Drag the right hand edge of the task with the mouse.
To edit a task name Select the task, and then click in its "Description" field
To select a series of tasks
Click the first task line (anywhere other than the bar itself), and drag downwards or select the last task and drag upwards
To select all the tasks
To manipulate one, or a series of selected tasks  Highlight a series of tasks, then do any of...
    click "Indent task,
    click "UnIndent task,
    click "Recentre on task",
    press the delete key, or
Unindent tasks as needed to demote any headings, then...
    click "Up", or
    click "Down"
To add a dependency
Drag from the centre of the preceding task bar, to the dependent task bar.
To remove a dependency
Double click the dependent task > Dependencies > select the dependency to be deleted, and press delete.
To link a series of tasks Highlight a series of tasks, then click "Link selected tasks",
To unlink a series of tasks Highlight a series of tasks, then click "Unlink selected tasks",
To make a task into a summary Ensure that the series of tasks immediately below it are indented.
To make a task into a milestone
Reduce the task duration to zero.

Plan for Windows Quick Keys

Ctrl+A  Select all Tasks
Ctrl+B  Baseline
Ctrl+C  Copy group of selected tasks
Ctrl+E  Recalculate Plan
Ctrl+F  Find
Ctrl+L Filter Tasks...
Ctrl+N  Add a New Chart
Ctrl+O  Open
Ctrl+P  Print
Ctrl+S  Save
Ctrl+T  Sort Tasks...
Ctrl+V  Paste
Ctrl+X  Cut all selected group of tasks
Ctrl+Y  Redo
Ctrl+Z  Undo
F1    Help
F5    Task List
F6    Gantt View
F7    Resource Graph
F8    Resource List
F9    Holidays

If you wish to add holidays, track changes, use the baseline facility, or if you wish to allocate resources to tasks and see the resource utilisation, see the manual.

"Plan for Windows" is the best low-cost Gantt chart software I have found.
For example, unlike the Java-based, Open Source packages I have looked at, "Plan for Windows" prints task descriptions etc. as high quality text (rather than low quality compressed graphics, which both looks awful and makes the Bullzip pdf generator print the task bars vertically!). However, Plan for Windows only shows resource utilisation, it will not automatically level it.